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our professional experience shows that even with a lot of effort invested in to this many websites lack clarity and direction, don t offer the right or enough information to keep visitors intrigued and fail to offer the right calls-to-action necessary to guide people in the right direction. The result is a site with low engagement; this has a detrimental impact on their bottom line as they simply don t manage to turn hard earned visitors into customers or leads. Unfortunately, this is a blind spot for many marketers who just don't understand why their site yields so low.
the internet offers incredible earning potential. With ever growing numbers of target visitors eagerly searching for your products or services, you have a real chance of leading some of that growing traffic to your site and converting them into customers. However simply the act of creating a website and putting your products and services on it doesn t mean you are automatically going to get leads and sales from it. On the contrary
let me ask you do you have a website and are you frustrated because even though you have tried to tweak it, make adjustments and get it working better- you just know your site can do so much better in getting you leads and sales?
do you spend a lot of time, money and energy on driving traffic via search engine optimization, emails to your database, endless facebook promotion, ongoing twitter messages without this traffic really doing anything once they are you......Read More detail