Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Digital darkroom pro - 30 day trial | the photography challenge

digital darkroom pro - 30 day trial | the photography challenge

recently i read a quick quote from a well-known, black and white photographer named john sexton, who developed his skills working in the darkroom along side ansel adams, perhaps the most influential photographer of the 20th century.

“i truly believe that 51% of my images, success takes place in the darkroom.” - john sexton

right now, photoshop is the easiest and yes the fastest way to take good photos and transform them into great photographs using simple, straight-forward raw conversion and photo editing techniques…

i’m sure you’d agree that anything you can do to improve the quality of your photography is something worth focusing on and after years working in the photographic industry, i’ve decided it’s time to start sharing my knowledge and expertise with the world, which is why i created digital darkroom pro…

digital darkroom pro is a online video course (with over 50 video tutorials…) where i walk you through how to get the best out of your photos using advanced editing techniques in adobe photoshop cs5. The entire course is delivered online through a “private membership portal” that you can access at your own leisure, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

it doesn’t really matter which version of adobe photoshop you are using, because 80-90% of the principles taught in this course are applicable to older versions of adobe photoshop (eg. Cs5, cs4, cs3, cs2 & cs1) and versions of photoshop elements. This course is primarily taught using adobe photoshop cs5.

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