Selasa, 26 Februari 2013

Nomads notes travel diary software

nomads notes travel diary software

a unique travel diary software program for the rver, motorhomer, caravanner, 4wd or other vehicle based traveller

it fits right into what is needed by me. With everything in one package, it helps for a great diary for memories etc. Being on a budget getting around i can work out how far and what approx costs it will take for a future trip

do you write a travel diary or journal of your trip? do you take photos of your trip to share with family and friends? do you write down all your fuel consumption and daily mileage details? do you keep a record of all the great campsites you have found.

here is the new "nomads notes". A unique way to record all these aspects of your trip, and more, in one easy place. As you record your trip details you can easily retrieve information on how many miles or kilometres you have travelled so far.

whenever i have travelled in the past i have always liked to keep a diary of my trip. I used to use a word processing program for this. I also recorded all the campsites we have found, the details of where they are, how much, and the facilities at each location. With nomads notes i can now do it all in the one application.

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