Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

brainstorming children's book ideas for more unique, saleable stories

brainstorming children's book ideas for more unique, saleable stories

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writing, brainstorming... how to generate great children's book ideas

i happen to know a little something about that. i spent over a decade writing for hollywood pro tag o nist , n. the main character or hero in a drama or other literary work.

that same type of creativity could help you get a children's book published . start with bigger, more conceptual children's book ideas guess what? it's never too early to think about your query letter. you know about query letters, right? essentially, you have one short paragraph to persuade an agent, editor or publisher that your children's book ideas rock

i've written a great book about a little animal who loses its mommy... editors sift through thousands of queries. the only way to make an impression with a query letter is to describe a children's book idea that sounds unique

let's say you're the editor. Do you read the children's book manuscript about the animal who lost its mommy...or the other one about the pigeon who wants to drive a bus?

mo willems has the most unusual children's......Read More detail

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