Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Condo forex - a pips machine maker

condo forex - a pips machine maker

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i’ve got a number of  forex tips to share with you today. Tips that have been a secret for a long time.

they are also some of the most important tips that i’ve shared with my fellow traders worldwide. These are very simple tips that could help you quickly make a few hundred pips in just under a week.

i don’t know how long this page will be up, so please be sure to watch it from beginning to end while it’s still here.

ok, so you’re probably thinking to yourself, “i’ve tried every forex method known to man, i’ve given it my all and i don’t know, i just keep losing.” well, let me stop you right there.

this is not a magical button, it has nothing to do with that crazy blahblah garbage, any special overnight millions or any of the other incredibly scamming forex promises that we see all over the internet these days.

in fact these tips are all here, right in front of us, and they help explain why the majority – if not all – of the newbie traders fail.  And no, it might not be because we are not following a proper money management strategy or anything of that kind.

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