Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013

Parenting plan - father's rights for child custody

parenting plan - father's rights for child custody

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a rare opportunity to receive - the most complete... father friendly parenting plan available. Written by a child custody expert

fathers beware: disputes arising from most parenting plans can land you in court and rob you of the most important things in your life:

a parenting plan (custody agreement) is the most important document you will file with your divorce. Your children's future, your rights as a parent and your peace of mind all depend upon it. And, it is required by the courts in every single state.

there are several key outcomes you will want to accomplish with the parenting plan you file:

keep your hard earned assets and cash for the benefit of your family rather than the legal system.

maximize your possibilities of getting the parenting time (custody) arrangement you want by presenting the court with a clear, well-constructed, easy to understand, parenting plan and child support agreement.

protect the most precious thing every parent wants the most - time: for your children, your work and your life.

if you can accomplish any of the key outcomes listed above you will have succeeded where many fathers fail. the design of your parenting plan is a critical factor in achieving these goals!

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