aromatherapy for beginners - 5 oils toolkit
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in my early aromatherapy days, i found the amount of choice overwhelming. Plus, the cost of buying a ton of oils was more than i could afford, especially if the recipes called for expensive oils like jasmine or sandalwood.
and a lot of real-world experience using essential oils to make natural home remedies and products for my home and famly. it will save you time and money , and show you how to make lots of natural home remedies without feeling overwhelmed.
lavender lemon oregano peppermint tea tree did you know there are more than 130 ways you can use just 5 essential oils to make your own natural home remedies and aromatherapy recipes? let me show you here's what you'll find inside the "aromatherapy for beginners - 5 oils toolkit"...
facial masks, toners & serums foot cream, massage oil & foot soak lip balm bath salts massage oils deodorants body butter liquid & bar soaps body scrubs shower gel hair treatments household cleaners & 36;14.97 click here to purchase
acne + face & body wash age spots + facial mask + face "paint" dry, itchy skin + oatmeal bath + body butter + body oil cellulite + cellulite salt scrub dandruff + dandruff treatment + secrets of commercial dandruff treatments lice + lice preventing hair rinse + lice removal treatment athlete's foot + fungus remedies weak, brittle nails + nail strengthening oil gingivitis + gingivitis & gum treatment + mouth oil (for sores & scrapes) hot flashes + hot flash b......Read More detail
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