Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Become a knitting superstar! | complete video knitting course

become a knitting superstar! | complete video knitting course

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if you have said “yes” to even one of those ques­tions, then you are not alone. As a

wast­ing your valu­able time search­ing for answers to your ques­tions on rav­elry, on the inter­net, or on youtube, and still haven’t solved your problem?

try­ing to find help on youtube, but the videos go too fast, are blurry, or don’t show you what you need to see?

feel­ing ripped-off, pay­ing huge sums of money for a ton of classes and books yet you still can’t fig­ure out how to knit socks properly?

hi! my name is liat gat, and my mis­sion in life is to help you become a knit­ting

so before i go any fur­ther, i want to do some­thing risky and tell you that you don’t

the most impor­tant thing to me is that you get the infor­ma­tion you need to start

feel very com­fort­able read­ing knit­ting pat­terns and abbre­vi­a­tions, and be aware of the dan­gers you need to watch out for.

prac­tice cor­rectly per­form­ing the many inter­me­di­ate knit­ting stitches, such as ssk, s2kp, yo, ptbl, and many more…

know how to choose the right yarn so that your project comes out the way you imagined.

iden­tify which knit­ting prod­ucts will make your life eas­ier, and where to buy them with­out spend­ing a ton of money

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