Selasa, 05 November 2013

Clickbank affiliate information -

clickbank affiliate information -

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our affiliate program provides a great way to generate some significant revenue! whether you have your own functional site or you just want to join our promote to your email list or social media, you can join and earn money by promoting this program.

you will earn 50% commission per sale when you refer visitors to our site who then purchase our products.

anyone can become an affiliate of our program, as long as they only use ethical marketing methods. We will not tolerate anyone promoting our programs via unsolicited email marketing (or “spam”). Additionally, you may not promote our programs via sites or use marketing methods that contain offensive content. We reserve the right to refuse membership or revoke a membership at any time at our sole discretion.

we will not tolerate affiliates who promote our products through illegal or unethical techniques. Clickbank may terminate your affiliate account and you will not be allowed to promote our products if you use any of the aforementioned techniques.

step 2: once you have a clickbank id, click on the product images or information links below to be taken to the affiliate center. The affiliate center of each product will provide you with more information about the product you are promoting, banner and text links to promote the products and in some cases sample copy for your ezine, blog post or social media updates.

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