Sabtu, 02 November 2013

Fund raising idea - how to make your group ?5,000 in one night

fund raising idea - how to make your group ?5,000 in one night

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but their faces changed when i gave them a pile of cash and you can do it

charity fundraising.  but bear with me for a few minutes………. You are about to discover a

all goes to maximise your group income….giving you everything you need to go from where you are today to

we believe that this ‘simple proven system’ can work for anyone….and we invite you to put our claim to the test……. As you will see in a minute we will be showing you in intimate detail what you need to do to

the scouts and we were always in need of fund to do all of the

i get 3 or 4 phone calls a day from people asking my advise on

line and in the very best of private boxes.  a racenight event consists of a series of pre-recorded

just like having a day at the races but you can have it at your

this book will help and in less than two hours you will be able to

organisation......just think how great it will be to only need one fundraising event per year!!!! i know many charities who

to function for the year......however, like everything in life you get out what you put in...... And like in life

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