Jumat, 08 November 2013

Homemade strength | homemade equipment | build your own training equipment | make your own strength training equipment for less money

homemade strength | homemade equipment | build your own training equipment | make your own strength training equipment for less money

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raise your hand if you are sick and tired of getting over-charged for strength training equipment when you know damn well you could build it yourself if only you knew how.

- you can't fill your gas tank up because you're saving for a new dragging sled

- you feel like you're taking money from your family every time you buy a new piece of equipment

- you invest in a new piece of equipment for hundreds of dollars only to find out that it doesn't work or doesn't meet your expectations

- you feel bad using the equipment you buy because it costs so much you don't want to mess up the paint job

- every spare nickel and dime you get you stick in a coffee jar in order to save up for the next big wishlist item

dear friend, i'm jedd johnson, from the diesel crew, and i want to be perfectly honest with you.

over the years i have struggled to scrape up enough money to buy the equipment i needed for my training.

i have competed in countless strongman and grip competitions and when i first started, i had to rob peter to pay paul in order to get the equipment i needed.

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