Minggu, 21 Juli 2013

business systems for painting contractors

business systems for painting contractors

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let s be honest. You want to improve your contracting business. I have an e-book that will help you do that, and i want to sell you a copy.

i m not going to waste your time telling you how great my e-book is. I m not going to make wild promises about how much money you will make if you buy my e-book. But i will tell you what is in my e-book and how it can help you build a better contracting business if you apply the ideas.

i have owned a paint contracting business for 25 years. For much of that time i struggled, enduring the same frustrations as most contractors: insufficient leads, customers telling me that my price is too high, painters who wouldn t show up, and more. I made a lot of mistakes. And then i discovered the power of business systems.

you know how to paint a house. You know what steps that you must follow to produce a durable, attractive job. You also know that if you skip one of those steps or do them in the wrong order, the job probably won t turn out well. You won t get the results that you want. This same principle applies to every aspect of your business do the right things time after time and you will get the results you want time after time. Systems will allow you to get predictable, consistent results.

and getting out of the bucket will help you develop systems for your business. this powerful 330-page e-book covers every aspect of a paint contracting business: getting out of the bucket comes with forms, worksheets, sample mark......Read More detail

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