Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

Remedies For Constipation e-book

Remedies For Constipation e-book

Remedies For Constipation e-book


"You Have Stomach Pains or Small, Hard, Lumpy Stools" "You Have To Strain To Have Bowel Movements" "You Don't Have A Bowel Movement Everyday" "You Have Pain When You have A Bowel Movement"

Discover the secret diet that will eliminate and prevent constipation

Discover what diseases you can avoid by becoming regular

From: Rudy Silva, Natural Nutritionist Re: You're creating disease and shortening your life with constipation

I suffered from constipation for over 20 years and was always going to the Chiapractor for lower back pain adjustments. After doing significant research and working with my clients, I found that there are natural ways of relieving constipation that many medical practitioners do not know.

As I studied constipation, I discovered over 77 natural methods to relieve, prevent or completely rid you of constipation. Combining this information with my own experiences and those of my nutritional clients, I assembled and created this comprehensive revealing e-book on how you can elminate constipation for good. The Colon Diseases You Develop When You Have Constipation

It is known that constipation is responsible for many colon diseases such as hemorrhoids, colitis, diverticulosis, IBS, varicose veins, and possibly even colon cancer. It is critical that you know the origin of many diseases in the body come from a constipated colon.

You need to know that you need to have one, two, or three bowel movements per day. Many doctors don't believe having one or two bowel movements per day is important for your overall heatlh.

Irregular Bowel Movements Will Cause Disease

When you have constipation for a long time, you run the chance of becoming seriously sick. It's common sense that if your food stays too long in your colon, you can expect decay, putrefaction or rotting of fecal matter. In Dr. Anderson's, High-Fiber Fitness Plan, he reminds us that,

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