Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

catch free bees! | learning beekeeping

catch free bees! | learning beekeeping

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why spend $90 per 3 package? what you want is a bee swarm just buy the swarm trapping book and get your bees for (almost) free

yea, i'm mccartney, that youtube beekeeper guy. And i'm passionate about bees and beekeeping and am the author of swarm traps and bait hives. I've really enjoyed swarm trapping and wrote the book on it so others can enjoy this great way to get free bees (well kind of free.)

you can spend $80-120 on a 3 package, or $140-160 on a nuc. Or you can buy the swarm trapping book and catch local bees year after year you also get bees for free with a good chance of varroa resistance all you have to do is learn a little bit about swarm trapping. It is something our grandfathers and our grandfathers' grandfathers did. Also called bait hiving, it is simply the art of building a correctly sized box, putting in a scent, and knowing where to hang it.

well, almost free. I believe in honesty, so i have to disclose that you'll have to build a box, hang it, check it, and transfer your free bees. That about sums it up. To compare with buying a package you'll have to order it, pay for it, pick it up, transport it to your yard, and install it. About the same steps but the swarm trapped bees are free

swarm trapping is my passion, and i wrote a fairly long book on a simple subject. Consequently, the book is a lighthearted 55 page read with dozens of photos in it to let you follow along. Don't expect a 400 page tome that you will have to memorize.......Read More detail

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