Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

how to sleep with his wife

how to sleep with his wife

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but you re not on this webpage because you re interested in what i ve done in business, are you? you re here because you want to know what i ve been doing for sneaky freaky pleasure and how i can help you do the same

well, for the last 18 years, right out of high school, i ve been developing, defining and refining my game as a player, a womanizer. I don t want to toot my own horn, but i m not your average player.

see, i specialize in a certain area- i m a self-proclaim expert at sleeping with married women that s right, i have years of experience chasing (and being chased after) other men s wives. And man, let me tell you: it s been one hell of a ride

i slept with my first married woman when i was about 18 years old (i m in my mid 30 s now) and i ve been seducing other men s wives ever since.

my experience as a married woman skirt chaser' has been filled with excitement-both pleasure and pain there s never been a dull moment and though i do have some regrets i wouldn t change a thing because my experiences have made me the playa, playa' i am today.

but you know what enough about me (at least for right now). Let s talk about you . As i said in the video, you have a secret and i know what it is: you re attracted to a married woman (or maybe several of them) and even though you know it s wrong , you want to get her in your bed

i ve been in your shoes many times before, in fact, i m permanently in those shoes because that s how i l......Read More detail

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