Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

Cure Cravings Forever − Click for Healthy Eating Solutions

Cure Cravings Forever − Click for Healthy Eating Solutions

Cure Cravings Forever  − Click for Healthy Eating Solutions

PocketT is a free WordPress theme provided by Nyssa Brown Design . Its sole purpose is to be compact and focus on what's important in a blog: the content, while still maintaining an interesting yet simple design.

This is where you would explain what your blog is about, or about yourself. Whatever suits you. Of course, you're restricted to the amount you can put here, be sure to keep an eye on what the amount is and how it looks... so go on... tease people... you know you want to.. ;

There was a time in my life when I couldn't overcome my constant cravings for junk food. If cravings are sabotaging your best attempts at a healthy lifestyle, read on.

At one time in my life, I was just repeating these same unhealthy patterns. But it doesn't have to be that way.

I knew there was more to life than just getting by, feeling tired and getting rounder by the minute. Now I'm sharing my discoveries with you.

Growing up I was known as the cookie monster because I ate cookies for breakfast. McDonald's was my favorite restaurant. I ate so much junk food and sugary snacks, and my parents tried everything but I despised vegetables

By age 11 I had severe acne. I saw dermatologists and doctors, and every time I asked if my eating habits had anything to do with my bad skin. The answer was always no.

So I kept drinking soft drinks, eating cookies, and hamburgers.

I went on the birth control pill and for a time my skin improved. I wasn t blemish free, but it was at least livable. After starting on the pill, my usually too-skinny body bulked up. In one summer I gained 20 pounds.

My weight increased sharply during my first year away from home at college. I didn t like the cafeteria food (who does? ) but I didn't want to waste my meal plan, so I often ate fried chicken, pizza, or pasta.

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