Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

copyright for artists: quick and easy copyright protection

copyright for artists: quick and easy copyright protection

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"so well written. I've read it cover to cover. Sarah spells everything out in a very clear manner. I feel so much better about following through with applying for a copyright. She sent the book super quick and is a total pleasure money well spent. Thanks "
"wonderful very comprehensive and helpful. Helped me be sure i had covered all the bases with my copyright protection. Thanks so much for developing this ebook for etsy sellers "
"hi sarah i just wanted to send a quick convo to thank you for the great book it should be required reading for all etsy shops it answered so many of the questions that i had about the basics of copyrighting. I have been designing and selling my jewelry for many years now and have always been hesitant about setting up a website. ... And last, i'd like to thank you especially for your words of encouragement about putting your art out for the world to enjoy. It reminded me of why i started making jewelry in the beginning...to enjoy creating "
"sarah feingold has transformed the thick legalize of copyright law into an easy to follow exposition tailored specifically to works created by artists."
attorneys usually charge upwards of $100.00 an hour to file a copyright registration. Copyright registration services can charge $150.00 for the same service.

with this ebook, you can do this yourself copyright for artists explains how to register your own copyright with the united states copyright office without a......Read More detail

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