Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

control that ego

control that ego

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“world class hypnotist divulges the secrets that are sealed in his stunning system that will erase narcissism and control the ego of even the most arrogant person ”

"are you ready to experience a new life where people no longer resent your self centeredness and will instead accept you for who you really are?"

finally, you can forge real relationships with genuine people who will not be turned off by your narcissism because you will have eradicated every ounce of it using this empowering system

have you ever been told that your ego is too big to control? are you noticing that people are distancing themselves from you because you come off just a little too arrogant?

perhaps you’re so wrapped up in yourself that you aren’t even noticing that these things are actually happening, so let me ask you a few more questions.

do thoughts of power, success, and control over others seem to occupy your mind more than anything else?

are you secretly intimidated by the success of others? do you prefer to surround yourself with people that are – in your mind – less successful or powerful than you?

if you have answered yes to any one of these questions, you may have narcissism. i know, it’s an ugly word and most people do not want to admit that they are narcissistic. In fact, most people don’t even realize that they have narcissism because they are either so engulfed in their own egos or so consu......Read More detail

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