Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

webmasterstreasure.com « webmasters treasure

webmasterstreasure.com « webmasters treasure

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follow me on twitter rss feeds intelligently gather followers based on targeted keywords that you re interested in for this account.

here is where you add all your niche keywords up to 15. Tweetbig monitors twitter for any tweet containing your words or hashmarks( ) and display s them here. Simply select any or all you intend to follow. Personally, i select them all plus about 50 from the piggy back module. Be aggressive here, remember followers are your customers and of course friends you can network with. click here to visit tweetbig now

add your competitors or users in a similar niche as you and we ll analyze who follows them and identify best users to follow.

this powerful module analyzes the followers of target users and identifies recommended users that you should follow. Go to your red carpet monitoring module and locate a couple or so. This feature allows 15 but you don t need many. If no one has been gathered for you yet simply search twitter and locate someone you like and enter them here. They don t have to be following you. Be super aggressive here, you ll be surprised as to how fast you can gain followers.

you could follow a 1,000 friends (that s twitters limit in one day) in less than fifteen minutes. Follow another 1,000 the next day. Check back the following day and see the magic beware, twitter now incorporates a tff (twitter follow friend) ratio). After you reach 2,000 followers it kicks in, then you can follow 10% more than who i......Read More detail

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