Senin, 23 September 2013

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eating the wrong foods can make you sick, fatigued, and even put you in the hospital. Learn what you can and cannot eat with lyme disease to maintain a stable and healthy lifestyle.

have you been diagnosed with ms, fibromyalgia or alzheimer’s? chances are you’ve been misdiagnosed! these along with several other common diseases are being misdiagnosed every day, and people are dying at the hands of doctors who fail them.

in my book; “lyme disease…what your doctor doesn’t know could kill you”, i explain how something as small as neck, back or shoulder pain could be a sure sign that you have lyme disease. Has your eyesight gotten worse in what seems like over night? do the bottoms of your feet hurt? swollen glands, earaches, itchy skin, and nervous twitches or neurological issues could mean that you need to be tested immediately.

my 2 1/2 years of research has shown that every patient is similar yet different with lyme disease symptoms. Although you would like to trust that your doctor’s diagnosis is correct, you can’t bet your life on it. Testing accurately for lyme disease is more than taking just a lyme titer test. I found many doctors who only tested for lyme disease, but never checked for the co-infections that come with the infected bite. This is crucial as many lyme titers give false-negative and false-positive results. “lyme disease…what your doctor doesn’t know could kill you”, explains everything in detail.

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