Senin, 23 September 2013

Writer income | all about getting paid to write!

writer income | all about getting paid to write!

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q. What if you could open your mailbox and see some checks from your writing… instead of bills?

q. What if you could have a flexible freelance lifestyle … working from home or wherever you want and scheduling the hours to suit, even taking a day off occasionally?

q. What if you could tell people you are a writer and be proud of it because you’ve finally found a way to make it pay?

would you like to learn a bunch of different ways to earn a living as a writer? i have been working full-time as a freelance writer for the past 9 years. in this latest version of my book i reveal the best techniques i’ve discovered to earn money from writing.

but first… a little background. like many other writers i was still working in a full-time job when i started freelancing. i just knew that i wanted to be a writer. I dreamed of being able to do it full-time but i couldn’t really see how i could make my dream a reality.

little by little, though, my writing business grew. The biggest struggle was finding the time to write! sometimes i seemed to be taking two steps forward then three steps back. But i persevered… and eventually my writing business grew.

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