Selasa, 24 September 2013

Self publishing secrets | how to make $100,000 a year part-time creating profitable how-to manuals

self publishing secrets | how to make $100,000 a year part-time creating profitable how-to manuals

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that fancy. I wrote it over 10 years ago on my kitchen table... But it's

part is that it has worked for over 18 years for me. You will learn exactly

make some money... But for a while i had the time to research some ideas.

for a couple of years and which was now ready for the public. It was now

for four days, and i was ready to write the venture off as an experiment

in my box grew daily, i started to collect each day instead of twice a

12 pages of my manual at the bottom of this page. Here's a small sample:

only need to make basic changes to use my manual to sell your own ebooks.

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