Kamis, 26 September 2013

Your safe retirement package | your safe retirement coach

your safe retirement package | your safe retirement coach

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jack tatar is your safe retirement coach and the books and products on this website will help you to thrive and enjoy your longest retirement possible!

you've worked hard your whole life. You've dreamt of the days when you can finally do what you want, when you want. So how do you ensure that you enjoy the golden years that you've worked so hard to achieve? after enduring personal tragedies and studying the current realities of retirement, jack tatar, known as america's safe retirement coach discovered that a safe and successful retirement is about so much more than just having enough money. Let him show you the 'four keys' to making your retirement dreams come true!

retire safely. Live longer. Learn the secrets from america's safe retirement coach and you'll learn the following

recognize that exercise is no longer optional and how to make it part of your life

learn to cope with the difficulties that will occur in retirement such as losing loved ones and being a caregiver

how to achieve the retirement of your dreams and enjoy it for as long as possible!

after a decade of conducting research in the area of retirement, jack tatar, one of the world’s leading market researchers, had consistently heard from people who were retired or retiring that they often felt that they were “thrust” into retirement, ill equipped to handle the new aspects of their life.

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