Rabu, 25 September 2013

Mindy's bookworms: reading comprehension passages and quizzes for grades 2-12.

mindy's bookworms: reading comprehension passages and quizzes for grades 2-12.

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it has been found that when students suffer from reading problems these problems “severely curtail their educational progress and ultimately hurt their educational attainment.” -the national study of the effectiveness of reading comprehension interventions

this user friendly website will allow students in grades 2 through 12 to independently navigate through the leveled nonfiction articles, answer comprehension questions, and receive immediate, detailed feedback.

“out-of-school reading habits of students has shown that even 15 minutes a day of independent reading can expose students to more than a million words of text in a year.”   -anderson, wilson & fielding.

2. Click on the first passage in your level. A picture, passage, and a quiz will all appear on the same page.

3. Read the passage online or print the passage. This will let you underline, highlight, circle, or highlight important information.

4. Answer the questions either online. Always encourage students to go back to the passage to find the answer or evidence to support his or her answer.

5. Review the results.  Each question is shown with the correct answer, the student’s answer and an explanation.

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